Second Day of Christmas

On the Second Day of Christmas

Journal writing does not have to be an arduous task that takes up all your time.  It can be as easy as writing a couple of sentences or even a single word.  Sometimes it might just be a hasty sketch or even a cut out from a magazine.  I like to do all of the above as part of my journal  entries.  But enough on that for now because today I want to focus on the written word - but that written by others, not me or you  - holiday reading lists.

When I think of Holiday reading I imagine myself in a hammock strung between two palm trees close to the beach.  The sun is shining and the waves lap rhythmically against the show as a gentle breeze rocks the hammock and the causes dappled sunlight to fall across my page.  Children are laughing in the background as they splash in the waves.  All is peaceful and  the book falls to my chest as I nod off to sleep.  Sounds idealistic, hey.    Perhaps your visualization might be closer lying on the coach under grandmas hand-knitted rug with the crackle of a cozy fire interrupting the purr of the cat lying on the floor rug, a glass of mulled wine on the coffee table close at had.  Does this inspire you to make a list of books to read over the summer/winter break?

Reading, writing and relaxing go together like a hand in a glove for my family and myself. Reading regularly improves your chances of success and puts you on a path to wealth.  While children and teenagers might be looking to put the books away for the holidays, perhaps now is the time to read something simply for pleasure.  It might be something as simple as a comic book or a favourite picture book.  A woman's magazine or interesting article you have had tucked away to read 'later'. Or it could be the complete set of Game of  Thrones before the grande finale comes out in 2018.

 I love to read a variety of books, many of them are written for children or teenagers.  I suppose my favourite genre is Fantasy.  My daughter, Isabel is also a keen reader of Fantasy novels and loves to write short stories and poems.  My husband enjoys reading the news and his subscription to the Australian and National Geographic.  While my two boys prefer sci-fi and fantasy novels.  Writing - they find a chore.

Today's Prompts:

# 2: Christmas Reading

·         Make a list of the books you’d like to read over the holidays.
·         Read about the origins of Saint Nick.
·         What is your favorite Christmas story/poem? Include a quote or a few lines from the book/poem in your journal. What about the story makes it special to you?


 I researched the story of St Nicholas ( my son who died last year was called Nicholas so it holds special significance to me.  Mind you he was no Saint but he was an angel to me.) and was surprised to learn that it is the source of a number of Christmas traditions - stockings, secret Santa to name just two.  While there are number of other Christmas stories and traditions I'd like to know about, they will have to wait for another year.  There is only so much time in a day.  I hope you will let me know of any obscure traditions you have decided to research or that are unique to your culture.  I would be honoured if you shared them with me.  

Illustrate “a day” from the 12 Days of Christmas.
or another favorite Christmas story.  If you don't fancy yourself as an illustrator, then perhaps you could write about reading Christmas stories as a child - remembering to include the who, what when where and why.
Isabel drew these two penguins, even thought they appear in the book on the 3rd day of Christmas.  She prefers penguins over galahs. 

Diary Dates

On the Second Day of Christmas Isabel has been invited to a sleep over party at a friends place in another small township about 1/2 hour away.  We dropped her there and another of her friends.  I think there are about 12 teenage girls sleeping over - lucky the mothers is a high school teacher and knows how to handle 'Trouble' with a capital "T".  Lots of laughter and loud music I suspect along with pool party antics.  Well this means - date night for Husband and self - but he is too tired to go out as it is summer here and it is hot and dry.  He has worn himself out doing the lawn.  Must be getting too old fi he can't find the energy for a couples outing.  What do you think?

In the Southern part of the world it is the second of December, but in the northern hemisphere you will be celebrating your first day of the festive season so ....

Looking forward to Day 3 and all the joy it holds.  Cheers.


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