Eighth Day of Christmas - Christmas Count Down

Eight Day of Christmas - Naughty or Nice

When I was a child, we were told that if we had been good all year (or reasonably so) then Santa was sure to give us a gift of our choosing for Chirstmas.  However, if we had misbehaved then, we would not receive a gift but a lump of coal.  I know for sure that I was no angel, nor were any of siblings but we always received a present of some sort.  There was never a lump or bag of coal even thought sometimes I am sure I deserved one.  

When my son, Nick started working in the coal mines he always brought home a lump of coal at Christmas to give to his younger brother just to stir him up.  And it worked.  But it was all done in good humour.

With my own Children we always had Santa's present something simple and left the big ticket times to ourselves - it was easier this way especially as they got older and the choice of presents became more complex.  Bit challenging for Santa to bring the right sized Vans or Levi's.  We also made the 13th birthday the last time Santa dropped in a gift for that child, even though the magic of Christmas had well and truly been uncovered and disclosed to anyone who would listen by the time they were eight.  Difficult to keep the idea of a chubby chap living at the North Pole all year making toys for boys and girls around the world and delivering them on Christmas Eve these days of multi media and internet.  How do you try and keep the concept alive in your household?

Journaling around Naughty or Nice is a great idea, especially today since I have found a group of people I'd love to give more than a lump of coal.  My son lives next door to a block of uits managed by the Department of Housing.  There are a variety of people living in the complex (age, gender, etc) and there is always a high turn over rate.  There is a six foot wooden dividing fence between the complex and my sons yard.  On his side the fence line, it is well treed. Over the past 12 months , the tenants in the units have been using my sons yard as a rubbish tip.  They are too lazy to walk the 10 meters out to the bin and put their rubbish out, so they just chuck it over his fence. This includes their used needles, sanitary pads, bongs, bottles, cans and paper items.  My son has complained to the Department and they have told him he can't prove the rubbish belongs to their tenants. This is despite the most recent vacation where the tenants just let all their rubbish out on the paved area just over the fence - looked disgusting. 

Today, Isabel and I deiced to Do a Good Deed and clean up the rubbish.  We cleaned up two full rubbish bins and 5 garbage bags full of rubbish. We found a bong and two containers of sharps in the bushes down the back yard.  My next good deed will be to make a formal complain to the Minister of Housing. What if my daughter had pricked her finger and became infected with some disease.  Not Good Enough.  Definitely  on Santa's Naughty List. What do you think?  I think Isabel will definetley be on Santa's Nice list after spending 2 hours n the Mackay heat while on holidays. So a big TICK for her on Santa's list. 
I am so proud of her for getting in and helping me without complaint.  It was a dirty job and dangerous considering the items we had to pick up.  

Naughty or Nice Journal Prompts

Who do you know who has been especially good this year? What type of gift does this person deserve?
Who deserves a lump of coal? Why? (Can be a celebrity, politician, sports star or someone at you local store)
Pretend you are Santa - Would he be saying you were naughty or nice? Explain.

Diary Note

Australia Post also deserve a lump of coal.  I posted a friend a home crafted journal for her birthday in October this year.  The first time the please collect note was sent to the wrong address so the parcel was returned to me 14 days later.  In November I resent the parcel, at my own expense with the hope that my friend would receive it before Christmas.  After she had not received it within a month I contacted the post office who refused to speak to me about it (although I was the sender due to privacy reasons).  NO collect note was sent to her address.  I went with my son so he collect it today only to be told it had been sent back to me in Toowoomba.  So it has traveled up and down the coast for the past two months only to be sent home again  I think it must be a sign - I must be meant to keep it for myself.  

Hope you had a great day.


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